Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Grades and Assingments

We tested on Thursday and Friday of last week. Overall, most students did rather well.

Friday, there was a simple review assignment given after finishing the test. It was pg. 61
3-42 multiples of 3.

On Monday we covered the basic properties of commutative, associative, and identity as they relate to mathematics. Each student should have detailed notes written in their notebook about this section that we all wrote in class.

Today we did section 2-2 on the distributive property and there was no given assignment. We will continue this lesson tomorrow.

Grade slips were passed out today. Those students who have below a C- will be referred to study hall to bring up their grades. These grade slips are due back signed by a parent.

Many students have questions about their grades. Many may say that they have a zero on an assignment but they know that they turned it in. This is probably because they forgot to put their name on their paper. I have a box for all of my no name papers that I receive. Students are welcome to search for their work before and after school and get the credit they deserve. Thanks!

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